NJHS Officers 2019-2020

NJHS Officers 2019-2020
NJHS Officers 2019-2020: Frank de la Terga, Matt Diaz, Salma Gonzalez, Mia Lara, and Leidiani Ramos

Thursday, August 30, 2018


If you were not able to stay for the NJHS meeting today, here is what you missed......

*Members that are interested in running for an officer position (President, Vice President, and 3 Assistant Officers) must text me by Wednesday, September 5 so that I can place your name on the voting ballot.  Please include your name and the position you would like to run for.

*Voting will take place on Friday, September 7 in room 5102.  Stop by anytime between 8:30 am and 4:00 pm to cast your ballot.

*I need to collect the $12 for the NJHS club tshirts.  These are required if you wish to remain a member of the club throughout your 8th grade year.  Deadline to send in your payment is Friday, September 14.

*Busch Gardens field trip forms are in my room if you did not get yours today.  This trip is NOT a requirement, but it is your reward for being such a great student. The $95 includes the charter bus, entrance ticket, and Busch Gardens tshirt (different from the club tshirt).  It will be on September 27th, which is an early release day.  You NEED to only get your core teachers to sign the form and please make arrangements with them to make up any work missed.  The completed form and payment needs to be turned in by Friday, September 14.

If you have any questions, feel free to stop by my room anytime.  Thanks!!

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