NJHS Officers 2019-2020

NJHS Officers 2019-2020
NJHS Officers 2019-2020: Frank de la Terga, Matt Diaz, Salma Gonzalez, Mia Lara, and Leidiani Ramos

Sunday, December 2, 2018


Hey 8th grade!  Let's show your support for Spirit Week starting tomorrow.  This is a huge fundraiser for YOUR 8th grade activities and prom.  The more you participate, the more service hours you can earn.  It's $1 a day, each day you dress up.  You MUST have your service log with you each day so that I or Mrs. Cardenas can sign for you DAILY.  Three hours a day for up to 15 hours in the week!

MONDAY-Circle of Life (babies, teens, senior citizens....) or Pajamas
TUESDAY-Ballers or Scholars
WEDNESDAY-Cartoon Characters
THURSDAY-Color Wars -- Wear Blue for 8th grade!!  (6th grade is yellow or green; 7th grade is red)
FRIDAY-Meme or Twin Day

Friday, November 9, 2018


I know you are all pretty busy and sometimes it's hard to put in time for community service hours. Please keep track of all the time you do put into school shows, community events, and special activities as those hours count for service.

You can also "earn" hours by making donations to charities and participating in school charity events:

Right now, hours can be earned by donating to the canned food drive for Thanksgiving.  Please deliver the cans to my room by Friday (November 16).  Examples of needed items are rice, beans, corn, fruit cocktail, granola bars, cereal, and mashed potatoes. I will sign your community service log for 2 hours for every item donated.  For example, if you bring 5 items you can earn 10 hours.  Make sure you have the log with you at that time as I will not sign for hours after the fact.

If you are interested in the Breanna Vergara Foundation walk and color run, please ask Mrs. Rodriguez, the dance coach, for details on how to register.  This is a fun way to earn hours as well.

When other events come along, check with me to see if they qualify for community service volunteering!

Monday, September 24, 2018


YOU MUST BE IN SCHOOL ON FRIDAY!  Mrs. Jimenez will not allow us to go on other field trips if attendance drops.  We will be back early enough for you to shower, go to bed, and get ready for school the next day.

·         We will meet at school on Thursday, September 27, at 5:00 am SHARP!!!  DO NOT come too early because the school will not be open....just do not be late.
·         If you are late, you will get left behind.  We cannot hold the buses for you and your payment will not be refunded.
·         Parents will pick you up from school around 10:30 pm that same night.  We will call them from the bus to give a more exact time when we are on the way back.
·         You MUST wear the Busch Gardens t-shirt and you can wear jeans, shorts, or capris—NO TIGHTS OR LEGGINGS !!!!
·         You need $ for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and souvenirs.
·         You may bring a change of clothes (if you get on water rides), electronic devices, pillows, blankets, jackets, etc., but YOU are responsible for your belongings and they will be left on the bus during the day.  You may have a small purse or backpack at the park with your cellphone, charger, and wallet.
·         You have to ride back on the same bus you left in.  Bus assignments will be given that morning.
·         You have to report to your assigned chaperone as instructed or your parents will be contacted immediately.  Chaperone assignments will be given that same morning.
·         You may wear your t-shirt to school on Monday.
·         Behave in a way that represents what the National Junior Honor Society at Hialeah Gardens Middle is all about.
·         Have fun……you all deserve it!!!

If you or your parents have any questions, please email me at rylands@dadeschools.net

Thursday, August 30, 2018


If you were not able to stay for the NJHS meeting today, here is what you missed......

*Members that are interested in running for an officer position (President, Vice President, and 3 Assistant Officers) must text me by Wednesday, September 5 so that I can place your name on the voting ballot.  Please include your name and the position you would like to run for.

*Voting will take place on Friday, September 7 in room 5102.  Stop by anytime between 8:30 am and 4:00 pm to cast your ballot.

*I need to collect the $12 for the NJHS club tshirts.  These are required if you wish to remain a member of the club throughout your 8th grade year.  Deadline to send in your payment is Friday, September 14.

*Busch Gardens field trip forms are in my room if you did not get yours today.  This trip is NOT a requirement, but it is your reward for being such a great student. The $95 includes the charter bus, entrance ticket, and Busch Gardens tshirt (different from the club tshirt).  It will be on September 27th, which is an early release day.  You NEED to only get your core teachers to sign the form and please make arrangements with them to make up any work missed.  The completed form and payment needs to be turned in by Friday, September 14.

If you have any questions, feel free to stop by my room anytime.  Thanks!!

Monday, August 27, 2018


Welcome back, everyone.  I hope you had a great summer.  We are ready to kick off a new year at the Gardens.  There will be a mandatory meeting this Thursday, August 30, at 3:55 pm, in room 5102.  Please make arrangements to be picked up by 4:15 as the meeting will not take long.

You will receive information on NJHS officer elections, our annual Busch Gardens field trip, and ordering procedures for our club tshirts.  Thanks and see you then.

Monday, August 13, 2018


Hello NJHS.  I hope everyone has enjoyed their summer and is ready to start a great year!  If you are interested in volunteering at school this Wednesday from 9:30-12:00, please check with your parents and text me confirmation as soon as possible.  Only the first 15 students to respond can be placed so please be sure you can commit.  There may be teachers that could ask you to stay longer which you may do as long as your parents agree.  Download and print the Community Service Hours Log in the post below and have the teachers sign for you on Wednesday.  You may use this and as many other pages as you need throughout the school year.  If you have already committed to assist a teacher on your own, you DO NOT need to respond to this call.  Once I secure the 15 students, I will text those students with further instructions.  Please DO NOT show up to school on Wednesday unless you receive the confirmation from me.  Thanks and see you soon!

BTW--Please remember that once school starts, we will work on our club officer election, our tshirt order ($10) and the Busch Gardens NJHS Field trip which is scheduled for September 27th (about $90).

Friday, June 8, 2018


Here is the link to keep track of any community service volunteering you may do throughout the summer.  Approved places are schools, daycares, clinics, elderly homes, parks, libraries, churches, and summer camps.  Any other locations must be approved by me first.  Thanks and enjoy your summer!!!


Monday, April 2, 2018


As we near the end of the school year, I need for you to start closing out your volunteer hours.  You will need to add up all of the time you served throughout the entire school year and turn in all signed forms to me by Friday, May 4.  You may continue working through the end of this month to accumulate a few more hours if you wish, but please make sure I receive your paperwork by the deadline.

Our final activity for the academic year will be the breakfast on the last day of school.  This time, you will be served by the incoming 7th graders!  :-)  More information will be provided as the date gets closer.  If you have any questions, please stop by my room any time.