I know you are all pretty busy and sometimes it's hard to put in time for community service hours. Please keep track of all the time you do put in to school shows, community events, and special activities as those hours count for service.
You can also "earn" hours by making donations to charities and participating in school charity events:
Hours can be earned by donating to the canned food drive for Thanksgiving. Please deliver the cans to Mrs. Garcia's office (room 2205) by Tuesday. Needed items are rice, beans, corn, and mashed potatoes. She will sign your community service log for 2 hours for every item donated. For example, if you bring 5 cans you can earn 10 hours. Make sure you have the log with you at that time. She will not sign for hours after the fact.
The Turtle Donation Drive is another way to earn hours. They are looking for donations of beach towels, paper towels, dish soap, hand soap, bandaids, and sunblock. Two hours will be given for each item donated as well. Please remember your community service log so that Mrs. Garcia can sign it for you. (Room 2205)
If you are interested in the Breanna Vergara Foundation walk and color run, please ask Mrs. Garcia for details. This is a fun way to earn hours as well.
When other events come along, check with me to see if they qualify for community service volunteering!
HIALEAH GARDENS MIDDLE SCHOOL -- The National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) is the nation's premier organization established to recognize outstanding middle level students. More than just an honor roll, NJHS serves to honor those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Character and Citizenship. These characteristics have been associated with membership in the organization since their beginnings in 1929.
NJHS Officers 2019-2020

NJHS Officers 2019-2020: Frank de la Terga, Matt Diaz, Salma Gonzalez, Mia Lara, and Leidiani Ramos